Xidmət sifarişləri

Aktiv 4

Qapalı 89

Məhsul sifarişləri

Aktiv 3

Qapalı 69


Şirkətlər 2604

Fiz. şəxs 2033


Satıcılar 206

Məhsul 1578

Saytda qeydiyyatdan keçib 5 ay
İcraçıların rəyləri: +0 / 0 / -0
Razılaşdırılmış qiymət

Pre-announcement of the call for construction tender

Consulting and Construction Services and works

Country: Azerbaijan
Ref-N°: National Competitive Bidding. BMZ No.2008.6581.6
Prequalification Ref.: Not Applicable
Project Executing Agency: The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) of Azerbaijan

Project Measures:
The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) of Azerbaijan has received financing from KfW toward the cost of the Preparation of Detail Design and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation of 13 Ranger and 2 Cordon Houses and the Reconstruction of the Administrative Building of Zakatala State Nature Reserve.

Requested Services and Works:
MENR, being supported by GOPA Worldwide Consultants GMbH as Implementation Consultant, intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for “Preparation of Detail Design and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation of Ranger and Cordon Houses and the Reconstruction of the Administrative Building of Zakatala State Nature Reserve “. Detailed design shall be prepared on the basis of Conceptual Architectural Design prepared by Implementation Consultant for all type of construction objects.
The implementation consultant shall support the MENR during the planning, supervision and implementation of site topography and geological survey, detailed design and the rehabilitation measures over the implementation period of 16 months (presumably starting in April 2024). Services are to be provided by a team of international and local consultants.
Bidders will be requred to have evidence of relevant experience gained during the past ten years for design and construction of prefabricated Light Weight Steel Frame (Light Weight Steel Structure) makes, assembled on site.

Please note that a full Tender package for the indicated construction will be announced in the nearest time.

For further information, please contact the Mr. Mubariz Babayev, Administrative officer, GOPA Worldwide Consultants GMbH.
Email: [email protected]
  • Zaqatala
  • Birdəfəlik sifariş
  • 28.02.2024 в 15:30
  • Cəmi baxış: 1019
  • Şikayət et
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